Thread regarding General Electric Co. layoffs

Fake news and rumors

No cuts in Schenectady the union will back a back door deal to keep the ones they want. And let the rest walk!

| 434 views | | 6 replies (last October 4)
Post ID: @OP+1uG3jvSG

6 replies (most recent on top)

The Dock Workers were on strike for 2 days and got the entire world to pressure their bosses into giving them a raise some stories say 50%. It sad that the union leadership is so in ge's pocket and don't have the spine to actually do anything so slowly everyday Schenectady gets smaller and weaker and smaller and weaker. You are all p-ussies.

Post ID: @9dyp+1uG3jvSG

Your mom wasted all the money buying dental dams for $2 blowies.

Post ID: @7wir+1uG3jvSG

You're the problem. Get off this bs money maker website for the rich.

Post ID: @3dqy+1uG3jvSG

I like them young d-mb and full of ...

Post ID: @2jvr+1uG3jvSG

No this is true. They can walk right into my back door. This is a dating site to find fat old men, right?

Post ID: @2qqc+1uG3jvSG

Sure. And a giraffe has a short neck😁

Post ID: @yxj+1uG3jvSG

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