Thread regarding Juniper Networks Inc. layoffs

Have a Great Holiday!

If you need a little assurance going forward, let this site be a great lesson for that.

Not one single prediction in this site has came through since the acquisition announcement in January.

If you need a little laugh, go back and read the up to this point. All posts are from the below:

  1. Severely delusional people
  2. People who su-k at their jobs so you will quit yours. (this means you Mist Man and his altar egos / posse)
  3. HPE people
  4. Random outsiders

I wish everyone an amazing holiday and do not worry about work. The one thing we know is that there is an acquisition announcement that will likely go through until told otherwise.

If you need to worry, then worry about today. Leave tommorow to worry about itself.

| 1486 views | | 6 replies (last December 4)
Post ID: @OP+1vEZQzEF

6 replies (most recent on top)

You are right irrespective of acquisition you will continue to su-k and pull down our company as well

Post ID: @agcp+1vEZQzEF


There may have been a small layoff here and there but nothing to do with what was mentioned on the acquisition from all these drunken delusional people.

As I said (in the past few weeks I've also posted) that there will be fat trimming with or without an acquisition. It doesn't take machine learning to tell us that. This stuff has been going on since beginning of business hundreds of years ago.

Could those have been laid off simply because they weren't performing? Ask those who were laid off this question when you are referring to my post. I've seen a small layoff due to that. PIP doesn't count here on this site.

Again this years information was in reference of the acquisition.

Post ID: @4zdk+1vEZQzEF

"None of it was true" Try telling that to those already laid off !

Post ID: @4vpd+1vEZQzEF

@1hfj+1vEZQzEF, ah yes, I see one of Mist Man's posse is back.

It seems that you missed the point entirely. While I'm not surprised, I would like to clarify a few things for you.

When posters use words and phrases like "Guaranteed," "Book it," "I have insider information," and many others, it creates a misleading impression; especially when it is almost an entire years' worth of false information. If you don't know anything, which is 100% here, sometimes keeping your mouth shut might be a better option for everyone that is truly looking for insights here versus a drunken idea.

I understand that your negative attitude is consistent, but I do not appreciate you turning my positive post into yet another negative one. I would prefer if you simply skipped over my post without commenting.

There are still good people in this company and in this world, and unfortunately, you are not one of them. I wish you luck, regardless of how things turn out.

Post ID: @1whl+1vEZQzEF

OP- things change all time. It is good that people are sharing what they know. That info was true at a point in time. Everyone understands that. If you so anxious about every post , then this site is not for you. Yes, please do take your own advise and don’t come here.

Post ID: @1hfj+1vEZQzEF

Life lesson. As for me, looking back, I did get caught up in the echo chamber thinking it was real. On the plus side, now I know how pizzagate works. Hopefully we all have gained some perspective for the next time one of these uncertainties comes around.

Post ID: @lbl+1vEZQzEF

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