Thread regarding Mondelez International Inc. layoffs

New structure 2025

RMS position- Gone
Sales rep position - Gone

Territory Manager Position - New

Territory managers will make schedule and oversee the territories. They will still report to a DM.

| 936 views | | 9 replies (last November 30)
Post ID: @OP+1vH8Hhws

9 replies (most recent on top)

Yup the job is already being posted in other parts of country. So they are combining the RMS/Sales rep position and you only make 55k lmao!!!

Post ID: @3azc+1vH8Hhws

Check out retail territory mgr position on open in Santa Fe New Mexico

Post ID: @3pcf+1vH8Hhws

Are territory managers going to have larger territories? I’m assuming that territory manager will be a mix of sales rep and RMS. If in some parts of the country it still exists I’m imagining that they’ll eventually roll it out to areas that haven’t already structured to this format.

Post ID: @3hep+1vH8Hhws

Did they lay off reps or RMS in Virginia?

Post ID: @3gsy+1vH8Hhws

Hope so. I'm justing hanging out til they give me a buyout to leave 😄

Post ID: @2asr+1vH8Hhws

It's already started in certain territories

In southern virginia it's been gone on for months already

Post ID: @rqo+1vH8Hhws

I could see this happening. It's a way to cut a few more jobs but also give the sales rep (territory manager) more control of the territory. I'm guessing most RMS will be offered a territory manager position and a few reps on each team offered a buyout package.

Post ID: @jqr+1vH8Hhws

I’ve been saying this for months. Guarantee April 1st 2025 it rolls out.

Post ID: @gvs+1vH8Hhws

Says who?

Post ID: @qjx+1vH8Hhws

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