Thread regarding General Electric Co. layoffs

Insider information on wind failure

Gas Turbine Parts & Services, Inc. (GTPS employee has told me a big reduction in wind energy is coming in 2025 because they are going redesign the technology. Expect big cuts this fall of 2025. Their projected sales has decreased drastically for wind

| 601 views | | 6 replies (last December 4)
Post ID: @OP+1vI0SDDO

6 replies (most recent on top)

Wind has blown. Goodbye.

Post ID: @6vmh+1vI0SDDO

They are laying off managers of the wind turbine fields; the actual boots on the ground managers, not the ones in the shiny offices. No severance.

Post ID: @5fsg+1vI0SDDO

@5bvj+1vI0SDDO- well yes it is it’s near my house in upstate NY. I just looked it up tonight while working.

Post ID: @5gzs+1vI0SDDO

You're an id--t. That's not even a real business.

Post ID: @5bvj+1vI0SDDO

Drill baby drill

Post ID: @2vpg+1vI0SDDO

Well this really blows me away. Green ain't lean.

Post ID: @1seb+1vI0SDDO

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