This company is getting ridiculous with the forced in product. What are they doing!?!?
7 replies (most recent on top)
Our DM did the same! Would send PRD’s out and not tell us! Stored would be pi---d out to no end and all we could say is we knew nothing about it. May have worked once but the long term effect was a ruined relationship and no more display space. Very simple minded people there!
My old DM would send blind orders to my stores at month and quarter close. I could tell they were blind because the orders would populate while I was in the store without ever seeing them. I would normally cancel them or adjust my order so it defeated the purpose. Then they would retaliate by giving me longer days and less help ect. Glad I do not work there anymore.
The company forces out product because it helps inflate their sales numbers for investors. Problem is that it is a publicly traded company and not only is it immoral, it’s ILLEGAL! Like federally! The SEC would love love love to hear from ya to provide proof, $1 million reward is what the SEC pays for a whistleblower when they get a conviction. Talk about a severance! Wow!!! Can’t believe anyone who has to dismantle the bogus orders that are sent out to non existent accounts at quarter close and returned as a refusal hasn’t been enticed by that money! A fake manifest is all they need!
Well, you get yelled at! That’s something!
Mgt teams and cut teams all bonus on the qtr, that’s why they force out product every qtr close , it’s thousands of dollars in there pocket , meanwhile merch and reps get nothing .
Product loading is what it’s called. Used to inflate sales numbers. Call the SEC and ask about it. When they send bogus orders and return them to the depot at quarter close, another tactic. Surprised nobody at the depot with a bogus manifest is interested in the $1 million SEC offers for ratting em out!
They are inflating numbers and trying to prove that mission 1 is a success!! Hahahaha