Thread regarding General Electric Co. layoffs

401k Lawsuit

I got about $80 in the settlement. Worked for GE 14 years. How much you get??

| 631 views | | 5 replies (last November 27)
Post ID: @OP+1vtalu55

5 replies (most recent on top)

@6iqf+1vtalu55 That’s why people that got laid off and quit walked. GE always have took employees as expendable overhead. Wait till the green energy deal money runs out. What a scam that is! It was a way to pump the American stock market to keep it from crashing.

Post ID: @erwe+1vtalu55

I got $20k

Post ID: @dufy+1vtalu55

Where did the millions go? Thats why the good ones left and never came back. People got sick of the games and politics of a scam of a company gets gov funded to make junk products. Wind energy! Scam wait for that money to run out and watch all these jobs drift away.

Post ID: @7ynp+1vtalu55

17 years and got about 26.00. Such a joke like everything dealing with GE.

Post ID: @6iqf+1vtalu55

Looks like the liars got it all. I mean lawyers.

Post ID: @2boq+1vtalu55

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