I got about $80 in the settlement. Worked for GE 14 years. How much you get??
5 replies (most recent on top)
@6iqf+1vtalu55 That’s why people that got laid off and quit walked. GE always have took employees as expendable overhead. Wait till the green energy deal money runs out. What a scam that is! It was a way to pump the American stock market to keep it from crashing.
I got $20k
Where did the millions go? Thats why the good ones left and never came back. People got sick of the games and politics of a scam of a company gets gov funded to make junk products. Wind energy! Scam wait for that money to run out and watch all these jobs drift away.
17 years and got about 26.00. Such a joke like everything dealing with GE.
Looks like the liars got it all. I mean lawyers.