Thread regarding Mondelez International Inc. layoffs

So glad I moved on

I quit my job as a Sales Associate a while back and it was the best decision I ever made. The FTOWs were so d-mb and left piles of back stock and could not work an order to save their lives. The primary territory I worked on had a Sales Rep that had been demoted multiple times but some how was promoted back up into a rep role...(he kissed the DM's fat rear end every day). He lived 10 minutes from all of the large accounts on the territory and the ones he worked always had the biggest piles of mess in the back. The store personnel didn't even know who the rep was and thought I was the rep. lol This company was a joke and based on these still is. For those that are wanting to leave, believe me, the grass is greener on the other side. I have a desk job now and I don't have to worry about cleaning up behind big babies all day long. Have fun at Wally World!

| 573 views | | 6 replies (last November 14)
Post ID: @OP+1vtemnP8

6 replies (most recent on top)

Used it be a great job, teams were just that…a team! Helped each other out, did fun events together, and people enjoyed what they did. That was then….this is now! Miserable place to work and it all starts at the top! Management hired lazy people to middle management who did everything humanly possible to get out of work! Called pass the buck! My boss at one time was so respected by his reps, we would have done anything to help out! They became a drunk and lost their spouse as a result. Their story is like so many others! Nepotism has always been an issue, people weren’t given promotions or awards based on their performance, rather who’s “friend or relative” they were. Look where that’s gotten the company! Nobody has a good thing to say about them! I actually got a call from a grocery manager and asked when I was coming to work a delivery that had been in the back room on his dock for 5 days…I have not worked there for 10 years 🤔! I laughed and told the GM, “how about never”!!! How in all those years can they not know the rep??? What a mess!!

Post ID: @1beo+1vtemnP8

I like to come back and see how much of a sh-t show this company is. Nothing hasn't changed...same long hours, stores in chaos and your "team" is a bunch of crybabies who couldn't put up a case of back stock to save their lives.

Post ID: @1fqg+1vtemnP8

It's actually only gotten worse since mission 1 first started and continues to get worse and worse. I'm not sure what the company's plan is but every rep and ftow I talk to are trying to get another job. Part of me think they want everyone to leave atleast ones that have been here for a bit.

Post ID: @1xqv+1vtemnP8

I retired 2 years ago but still check this site periodically. I hate what I’m seeing. Used to be a good job

Post ID: @nwr+1vtemnP8

I’ve been gone a long while and I still enjoy reading all about the mess. I had zero doubt this was gonna happen, and it did! Watch the stock widdle away….hahahahaha!!

Post ID: @ynk+1vtemnP8

Curious why you’re still keeping up with the company if you quit a whike back? I agree with everything you said. It’s one big sh-t show. Everyone is lazy

Post ID: @iih+1vtemnP8

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