Thread regarding Mondelez International Inc. layoffs


Sales rep position definitely going away. Too many people will work for 17/hr. No way they will keep paying people 70k, company car, 6 wk vacations when they can pay people 17/hr, no car, 2 week vacation to do the same exact thing..

| 563 views | | 7 replies (last December 13)
Post ID: @OP+1vwcu4NW

7 replies (most recent on top)

I was in for 4 years making 60k when m1 layoff got me.

Post ID: @ritw+1vwcu4NW

No sales reps making 70k lol

Post ID: @jkab+1vwcu4NW

You guys must be new reps. If you've been here a bit you should be making 70 or more

Post ID: @7dmc+1vwcu4NW

Who the he-l is making 70k 😂 not a single rep is making that or even coming close. Have a seat.

Post ID: @6caj+1vwcu4NW

And that’s why they hired you as a rep! What a shame….New hires have no idea how good it was, and will never know! Going down fast,
time to abandon ship!! Watch that stock disappear….while Kellanova grows!!! Hahahahaha

Post ID: @3nrz+1vwcu4NW

You will make more shorting MDLZ stock this year than you will working at Mondelez.

Post ID: @3zad+1vwcu4NW

I’m a rep and i don’t make 70k, nor do i get 6 weeks vacation

Post ID: @2tgl+1vwcu4NW

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