Sales rep position definitely going away. Too many people will work for 17/hr. No way they will keep paying people 70k, company car, 6 wk vacations when they can pay people 17/hr, no car, 2 week vacation to do the same exact thing..
7 replies (most recent on top)
I was in for 4 years making 60k when m1 layoff got me.
No sales reps making 70k lol
You guys must be new reps. If you've been here a bit you should be making 70 or more
Who the he-l is making 70k 😂 not a single rep is making that or even coming close. Have a seat.
And that’s why they hired you as a rep! What a shame….New hires have no idea how good it was, and will never know! Going down fast,
time to abandon ship!! Watch that stock disappear….while Kellanova grows!!! Hahahahaha
You will make more shorting MDLZ stock this year than you will working at Mondelez.
I’m a rep and i don’t make 70k, nor do i get 6 weeks vacation