Thread regarding Mondelez International Inc. layoffs


I know we can all agree that upper management at mondelez is as d-mb as it gets but can anyone explain how they think sending in cr-p we don't need and filling up our backstock area is a good thing. Now I'm intentionally under ordering everything I do need and running a door to floor mentality on holiday items because I have no backstock space left.. id--ts..

| 521 views | | 3 replies (last November 22)
Post ID: @OP+1vx9MRIn

3 replies (most recent on top)

I made sure to order 500 plus case deliveries to every store my DM was running.

Post ID: @5jbf+1vx9MRIn

Better yet and during your last week with them, make sure to over-order in stores in which you witness the back-stock situation growing endlessly.

Post ID: @3lmm+1vx9MRIn

Skip the orders or send just exactly what you need scan disco items to make the dollar amount or cases needed when they do d-mb shyt like that work smarter not harder

Post ID: @1xii+1vx9MRIn

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