Thread regarding Mondelez International Inc. layoffs

I’m out

I won’t be showing up Christmas week. Seems like a good time to quit with no notice. Lmao. Can’t wait to watch them squirm.

| 774 views | | 7 replies (last December 21)
Post ID: @OP+1w0Z4LYF

7 replies (most recent on top)

Absolutely!! Don’t feel like you have to be a victim to Mondelez management, you don’t! Other opportunities out there where you can feel good about work and get back to being appreciated.

Post ID: @5mbw+1w0Z4LYF

Quiting is the best thing
I walked out 2020 covid outbreak
Make 5 times more money with no stress. Do it you won’t regret it.
Enjoy your life not a slave to Mondelz

Post ID: @4nwk+1w0Z4LYF

Call in sick for sure!! Enjoy your day off, let the id--ts that sent it, deal with it! If you work a few hours and call your boss and tell them you have to go home cause you don’t feel well, you don’t have to use PTO! If they push back and ask for a note or an anything of the like, tell them sure, once they give you written policy!! Watch how fast they squirm and change their minds!!! Hahahahahaha

Post ID: @3wei+1w0Z4LYF

It's just not wal mart, every store every delivery is getting a sh-t load of nos's. So over this, and it the same cr-p ever time. I'm thinking about calling off on Friday. Fu-k that Walmart and target order.

Post ID: @3exs+1w0Z4LYF

Good idea.

Post ID: @2dfr+1w0Z4LYF

I think that sounds like a good plan!! Make sure you use all your PTO, call in sick!

Post ID: @2phm+1w0Z4LYF

I've been thinking of doing the same thing. Enjoy the holidays and Start the year off on a fresh start. 😄

Post ID: @qjh+1w0Z4LYF

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