Thread regarding Mondelez International Inc. layoffs

Get ready

Double orders Friday

| 596 views | | 8 replies (last December 26)
Post ID: @OP+1w8hVF5A

8 replies (most recent on top)

Not even just walmart. They're doing it to all my stores.

Post ID: @2nvu+1w8hVF5A

Merry Christmas! Now get right back to the over loaded Walmart bullsh-t and get us our number!

Post ID: @1mff+1w8hVF5A

I was hoping to find a pink slip under my tree this morning. Santa, you $u-k!

Post ID: @1ymt+1w8hVF5A

I’ve called my stores and for stores with overnight drops notes are left on back doors of receiving “Mondelez driver, do not deliver, order is being refused”! Works like a charm! Let’s make sure they don’t hit their number and cos them a bundle in all these refusals!! Look at Starbucks, everyone out to walk out tomorrow!! I’m calling in sick! I’ll go in for a short period and call my DM and tell them I’m sick so I don’t use PTO! Don’t put up with this!!

Post ID: @1avo+1w8hVF5A

I'm going to call all my stores and tell them to refuse 😄

Post ID: @1tkg+1w8hVF5A

Give the stores your DMs phone number. They can explain to stores why they are doing this.

Post ID: @1jfy+1w8hVF5A

That's the mondelez way!! Keep loading backrooms 😄 🤣

Post ID: @1bur+1w8hVF5A

OMG 😲. What am I going to do with all this cr-p.

Post ID: @yhs+1w8hVF5A

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