Thread regarding Helmerich & Payne Inc. layoffs

Bad Reputation

I look at other companies in this industry such as Nabors, Noble, etc and their comments. They have no comments other than layoffs, no negative comments about the management of the company. Helmerich & Payne has really developed a bad reputation. Apparently employees are promoted based on who they are friends with. Company policy is only applied when it is convenient. Example, if an employee has a friend in HR and they want their relatives to work, it is okay, in fact basically the whole family can work there. But if it is someone that they don't like, the policy suddenly becomes that relatives cannot work in the same company. One example of many of the inconsistencies, and inequities in the company.

| 6093 views | | 7 replies (last November 29, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+HndhYk6

7 replies (most recent on top)

HP has been in latin america for generations. Its working quite well and its going to continue working quite well

Post ID: @qNtji+HndhYk6

18 year employee laid off because I wasn’t in the “click”

Post ID: @mWanj+HndhYk6

Nail it!

And pretty sure it's not the family oriented company Mr Helmerich was proud of. Now this days it doesn'tmatter the experience and length of service with the company.

After been with the company for many many years can tell the difrence and H&P it's no the same company since Mr. Helmerich left the office.

People working under Mr. Lindsey has been hiding what's going on. People who didn't pass the drug screening in the biggest international operation in south america its been getting a free pass by the ( latin american managment) and continue working, while letting other employees go home with out a notice. Management there has been preaching about corruption in those countries but they keep the employees who bring them gifts and expensive bottless of liquor every crew change.

It's not about what you know. It's about who you know or buy with gifts.

Too bad the "H&P culture" don't apply on other countries where the American H&P management it's not aware what the Latin American management level individuals do. It's like they run Thier own company using H&P equipment and name.

Post ID: @3Udcz+HndhYk6

One executive in particular is known by everyone at that Tulsa office for being a conniving snake that will do whatever it takes to get to the top! He is known for taking credit for others work and don't even think about crossing this arrogant piece of crap, or you'll pay! John Lindsey needs to wake up and take notice of the people he's surrounded himself with!! It's a click up here and H&P is quickly losing their best employees only because two top executives are so power hungry and full of BS its sickening!! I wish Hans could see whats happening to his company before its too late.

Post ID: @1fsew+HndhYk6

Younger executives in the company have taken the opportunity during the market downturn to rid themselves of senior management and critical business process owners. The seeds for disaster have been sewn. In the process of this change, the company's century-old reputation has been sullied. Only the truly desperate will work there now. That is, until a better situation presents itself.

Post ID: @1abu+HndhYk6

Nailed it? Damn near wrecked it!

Post ID: @1hmf+HndhYk6

Nailed it!

Post ID: @ree+HndhYk6

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