Thread regarding ACICS layoffs

Gonna miss it

Was a program evaluator (auditor) for decades. Gonna miss staying in top-notch Marriotts, eating at 5-star restaurants (I remember a meal once for 5 of us that cost over $700), and traveling to great locales. There were some fellow evaluator colleagues who were a true pleasure to work with.

Not going to miss finding issues in violation of the Criteria and issuing a citation in my report to the Council, only to continually revisit the same school and keep seeing the same violations unchanged. Not going to miss the silly politics the coordinators used to select only their friends in the evaluators pool to go on visits.

The schools under ACICS bribed ACICS through lavish meals and accommodations, as well as seats to industry owners/managers on the vary council giving their industry "oversight". I see now how it was a rigged system, though fun while it lasted. A shame.

| 3959 views | | 6 replies (last August 13, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+IDwFoKt

6 replies (most recent on top)

Just look at what happens to the whistle blowers on the Clintons, they end up dead.

Post ID: @enrw+IDwFoKt

@Camden Kid: i agree one should try to create an ethical system. But do you think since our culture is so resistant to telling the truth that it may take a long time to respond to indecency and crookery? For the uninitiated whistle-blowing can be a daunting task. We gotta have more "confessions" but until then - the "hit men" (and confidence-men) still running the show rely on our fears and lack of practice.

Post ID: @clwm+IDwFoKt

@IDwFoKt-4dnh, so what's your solution? Let it collapse because no one said anything? That's why we are having a US College Meltdown.

Post ID: @5myg+IDwFoKt

Camden, apparently you live in your own make believe world, You always ask people to report unethical doings but you don't realize that people who do are black balled and find it nearly impossible to find another job.

Post ID: @4dnh+IDwFoKt

Based on their comments, it's evident they were along for the ride but clearly too stupid to realize they were part of the problem.

Post ID: @yok+IDwFoKt

@Evaluator, did you bother to report this unethical conduct? Or did you just go along for the ride?

Post ID: @hrl+IDwFoKt

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