Thread regarding T.D. Williamson, Inc. layoffs

Good place for work?

TDW is not a good place to work. If you don't get laid off, you just want to quit and find a better job. They really have some problems, especially financial ones. There is incredibly high turnover at the company. Not just the average worker bee, but management and upper management as well. Few people have been there over 5 years.

| 2583 views | | 1 reply (June 7, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+NB0duLT

1 reply

I completely agree. TDW has had a number of major problems. Most of them are due to bad management. They've killed moral & removed any reason to stay. Most of the people still employed are already looking for work outside the company. Its why the retention is so low and short term. When people get in the doors, are there a while and see what is going on, they start to look for life again on the outside. The price of oil is a big hit to the problems, but only because the reduced revenue stream exposes a lot of the shortcomings of management. When oil was high and the company was making more money, it was easier for management to get away with mistakes and low moral. It pretended to care while handing out the occasional small bonus check. (not that bonuses came very often even in 'good times.') Now with oil lower in cost, reduced benefits, low or no raises, more beurocracy and no bonuses, they have nothing left that would give anyone a reason to put up with bad management and stay.

Post ID: @4gyh+NB0duLT

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