Thread regarding PHH Corp. layoffs

I can't speak for all of the company but for me, a processor for UBS, things are changing fast.

Many have left on their own and many, including myself, are looking. Things are uglier than ever on the floor yet upper management is clueless. Since the termination of a certain supervisor, people here are on edge. Yet the pressure just continues to mount.

If anyone wants to know more of what is going on with UBS or other PLS processing teams, other than the obvious fact that the fire are sounding daily, ask!

Good luck PHH'ers who are still hanging in there!

| 3031 views | | 3 replies (last July 5, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+NslCuag

3 replies (most recent on top)

I have to agree with the above posted. Morale is at an all time low. Processors are getting shifted around and taking on too many reassigned loans. The company's mission speaks of treating customer's like family, to? Reassigning loans mid-process is certainly now the way to wow a client. In the meantime, Glenn is sporting his brand new luxury car and I can't imagine what the rest of the crack heads at the top are doing these days If morale gets any lower, there might be violence, I've already heard about a few underwriters who have had nervous breakdowns over the incessant demands of upper management.

One more word to the wise RUN!

Post ID: @Fszg+NslCuag

Interested to hear what's going on with PLS underwriting and processing...

Post ID: @kpsd+NslCuag

Sorry for everyone who is still there.

What's left of the Corporation is about to be picked clean by vultures. This has been the plan from the get go. They are simply going through the motions hoping as many people quit as possible so they don't have to payout as much in the end. Just remember people are lining their pockets with your misery. That has been the plan for over a year now doubt they changed it after I left.

Post ID: @7bdb+NslCuag

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