Thread regarding Rice Energy Inc. layoffs

Job postings

EQT posting engineering jobs prior to a merger, not a good sign for Rice employees for making it through the merger.

| 1997 views | | 2 replies (last August 17, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+OOeOhfX

2 replies (most recent on top)

Probably just the folks that used to work at EQT.

Post ID: @xce+OOeOhfX

No it is not. Not surprised though. I have dealt with those Rice folks and my experience with them was interesting. A lot of young, inexperienced folks with huge egos.

Pretty much a bunch of unqualified warm bodies that have been exposed by their competitors, peers and service providers.

EQT knows this. I suspect maybe 10% will be retained by EQT.

Post ID: @zcr+OOeOhfX

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