Thread regarding Providence Health & Services layoffs

Providence Health & Services - 2017 cost-cutting and layoffs are beginning!

$200M operating loss cannot last fover, so Providence will be cutting jobs. Last year, PHS closed the open-heart surgery program at Providence Portland Medical Center.... Also, they consolidated that work at St. Vincent's Medical Center on the city's westside...

This was in the stars, Providence added 15,000 new employees last year and now has 110,000 employees, this is massive and hard to manage... St. Charles in Bend is losing money the most - they will get annihilated.

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Post ID: @OP+OapCDam

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Kate Brown is levying a new tax on hospitals and private insurance plans to the tune of $550M a year. It's to help the people of course.

The issue in this country is affordability. Why do providers charge so much for care and treatment? Doctors for starters make 2-4x what they do in Europe. Add the nurses, techs, admins, researchers, professors, etc. They are 70% of system costs.

We have to solve the issue of prices charged before we can address anything else. This is why Obamacare is unravelling, it did not address prices for care, just passed the bill along.

Post ID: @vik+OapCDam

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