Thread regarding American Public Education layoffs

Graduation rates down, student loan defaults rate up

Does anyone have any current numbers on American Military University? According to NCES, AMU's 6-year graduation rate has dropped to 29%, and its 3-year default rate has risen to 23.6%.

| 1641 views | | 2 replies (last December 10, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+QEEIwxz

2 replies (most recent on top)

And that was only 2014. Things have become far worse since then, far worse. I bet they're darn glad they don't have to post 2016 or 2017 numbers.

Post ID: @1ptz+QEEIwxz

...and enrollment has dropped to 84,000, from a peak of 127,000 in 2013.

Post ID: @mly+QEEIwxz

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