Thread regarding Electronics for Imaging Inc. layoffs

EFI Fremont layoffs imminent

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas! EFI Management has a special holiday gift for 10% of you Fremont, CA employees in the next 2 weeks: a pink slip! And guess who will not be on this special list: the 2 that ought to be: Marc Olin for multiple instances of accounting bumbling that has shredded shareholder's wallets and Guy Gecht for steering this ship on its collision course of doom.

| 3932 views | | 3 replies (last March 23, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+Qsko6ZE

3 replies (most recent on top)

CEO Guy Gecht and CFO Marc Olin are candidates for five-year, all-expense-paid vacations at the DOJ's Club Fed, in the Graybar Hotel.

Post ID: @1Sekn+Qsko6ZE

Your assessment is very precise.

Post ID: @1diih+Qsko6ZE

The Fremont location of EFI is going down the tubes! For over a decade, the once mighty Fiery business was based in a beautiful 10 story building on the shore of the SF Bay in Foster City, CA and is down been whittled down to a single 2-story building in a mostly-abandoned office park on the "less desirable" side of the bay in Fremont, CA. As the business declined over the years, there have been at least 5+ rounds of layoffs combined with moving as much work as possible to India. Folks, the California office and the Fiery business are on its last legs, with strong competition from Fuji Xerox's "G server" continuing to take significant marketshare from the traditional toner-based Fiery business. The company has stated that quarterly Fiery revenue will be in the low 60 million dollar range for 2018. That's almost back down to the range when they brought in Toby Weiss to become GM of the Fiery business unit way back in 2009. Despite all the hard work and efforts, the Fiery business continues to erode, and unfortunately the company response to this is more layoffs and more work for India, which perpetuates the downward tailspin for toner-based Fiery servers in Fremont. DO NOT ACCEPT a job offer for EFI Fremont. It is a toxic environment that continues moving in the wrong direction. If you are currently working in EFI Fremont, YOUR JOB IS NOT SAFE! Get out as quickly as possible. If you can't get out on your own, here are your 2 possible situations: (1) You gradually take on more and more work, eating into evening and weekend time with annual raises in the 0%-2% range, and burning you out, or (2) you get laid off with a package.

Post ID: @Favr+Qsko6ZE

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