Thread regarding Centrica layoffs

Centrica Redundancies 2018

About 4000 to be made redundant. How about this... It's as bad as it gets now! And, Conn is calm and is saying: "The only thing I regret is we are going to see 4,000 more colleagues leaving Centrica and it’s partly due to this price cap and competitive pressures.”

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| 1816 views | | 4 replies (last October 23, 2018)

4 replies (most recent on top)

The only way they get out of this revenue shortfall is to buy their way out. Short term is ok, long term no way. It's a failure at the top, can't blame the government for trimming their profit.

Post ID: @3Rbxv+RVGORVz

They are cutting heads as I speak. Gotta deliver those end of year numbers.

Post ID: @3Mjre+RVGORVz

Blame Obama. And Blair. No, I take that back, let's blame Cameron.

Post ID: @Xmfd+RVGORVz

Blame the government.

Post ID: @jfh+RVGORVz

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