Topics regarding layoffs at Centrica

Topics regarding layoffs at Centrica

HR did not promote last year

I just heard from a person that left Chevron, HR was only group that did not promote 5% of employees. HR was 3%. No wonder everyone is looking to leave. More money elsewhere, downgrading jobs, and lies from senior managment.

| 876 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1b9aq7Gh

Not looking good for Houston de

When the entire internal comms team goes from 8 to zero and the Senior most HR person is let go...that's not a good sign for a future or for anyone at de.

| 1680 views | | 1 reply (June 11, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+ZlrUvgG

Centrica redundancies 2019

Let's start a thread and figure out what 2019 brings as it relates to redundancies at Centrica. I hope it will turn out to be just nothing.

| 1670 views | | 2 replies (last May 12, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+Wn3frit

Layoffs have "quietly" started

New round of layoffs are almost completed. Looks like roughly the 4000 promised. Their strategy is largely in place, it won't be near enough.

| 1281 views | | no replies yet

Centrica Redundancies 2018

About 4000 to be made redundant. How about this... It's as bad as it gets now! And, Conn is calm and is saying: "The only thing I regret is we are going to see 4,000 more colleagues leaving Centrica and it’s partly due to this price cap and... — read more 

| 1815 views | | 4 replies (last October 23, 2018)

Huge layoffs at Centrica, 4,000 people to be cut

Everybody knew layoffs were coming after Centrica posted 17 percent drop in profits, but to hear the number is still rather shocking. Four thousand people will lose their jobs in this and following two years. Hopefully, at least some of them will be... — read more 

| 1763 views | | 2 replies (last April 8, 2019)

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