I see several job openings at Citgo, should I bother applying? Will they be around much longer? I see rumors about bankruptcy or being sold off. Anyone in the know? Thanks
Citgo is expected to file bankruptcy
Citgo is facing a breakup of its corporation due to sales of its parent shares resulting in a possible bankruptcy claim. Employees may begin to see layoffs beginning January 2024 or even as early as December 2023. Citgo employees have reportedly... — read more
Hope things improve
I doubt it, but yes, I hope for CITGO and employees. Some good people...
Bank on layoffs coming up late this year or first half 2019
Court ordered asset seizure of the entire Citgo USA was made today, August 9, 2018. Bank on layoffs coming up late this year or first half 2019. I doubt that a gold mining company would want to own or operate an oil related enterprise, so expect it... — read more
Get ready for CITGO 2018 Layoffs
December 1, 2017 headlines back in Caracas, Venezuela: “Pdvsa está en peligro de embargo por impago de deuda”. Translation: Pdvsa is in danger of an embargo (or asset seizure) for non payment of its debts. Likely scenario: CITGO is lost to the bond... — read more
Any CITGO 2016 Job Cuts?
Do you still lay people off?