Thread regarding Inphi Corp. layoffs

Are layoffs done?

Are we done with layoffs? I usually don't worry this much, but Inphi usually does these small, surgical cut types of layoffs instead of larger ones as was the last one, so I'm worried we might have not seen the end of it.

Any info on whether we are done or should still expect more to come would be very appreciated.

| 3333 views | | 5 replies (last April 30, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+Spof550

5 replies (most recent on top)

The best thing to ever happen to me was to laid off by Inphi (after 14 years through multiple mergers and acquisitions). I suggest looking at another field other than telecom. Seems like I was consantly worried about getting laid off.

Post ID: @ckhvj+Spof550

What a strange company Inphi is. They laid off perfectly good engineers in a booming economy. I literally know of no other company that is laying off engineering talent.

Post ID: @1wzzr+Spof550

The other thing is this is the first significant layoff under Tamer. The memory group was sold to rambus in 2015. The company was doing great under Tamer until now. Forecast is 299M for 2018. I suspect another cut to this revised forecast I'd coming. Everyone seems blindsided. Reorganization is happening but it makes no sense unless they are lining up for sale. They cancelled some programs too. Tamer runs a tight ship and doesn't leave any doubt as to how he wants things. The truth is competition is closing in and margins on new products are finally declining. That spells trouble for coming quarters.

Post ID: @2lnl+Spof550

How many were laid off ? I think Inphi is one of those companies that will constantly cut and refocus in order to make their numbers. Layoffs also provide a writeoff for companies and make the financials looks temporarily better than they really are.

Post ID: @1kkk+Spof550

I would say there is no way Inphi is done. They have too much variability in their product execution and sales forecasts. My feeling is more will be cut in the coming quarters until revenue stabilizes. 3 weeks before these layoffs in March the CEO was optimistic and even mentioned no affect from the previous revenue drop for Q1. So something must have gone wrong in March. If they can't see 3 weeks ahead what would make anyone thunk they can see 2-3 quarters ahead ?

Post ID: @1qor+Spof550

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