Share any updates you may have about Moody's Layoffs in 2019 or beyond?
16 replies (most recent on top)
And another round... It seems that the CIO is trying hard to destroy a very strong business model and the CTO seems not much better. Sad that people are treated in such a manner.
Yep! The current CIO is notorious for taking credit for others efforts and initiatives that she had zero involvement with while eliminating the legacy employees with her “Yes” people in the process. She did the same thing at OFI...Sad!
The new leadership that is in place appears to be doing the best it can with the skills that they have. CIO came from Oppenheimer because some other company bought them and their IT staff were told to find some place to go. In comes the new CIO and brought "yes" people from Oppenheimer and placed them in strategic areas in tech. One of the easiest things to do anywhere in tech is to go into a new org cold and point fingers.
Anyone can do it. Anyone. There's speculation that the board wanted the new CIO to come in and clean house as it were. The problem is, without any people skills, you'll get rid of great people as well as you don't have the human understanding to figure out who is valuable and who isn't. Worse, its been reported that the people from Oppenheimer still have a direct line to their CIO further compromising the leadership hierarchy. Some of the new leadership that is in place is trying to stabilize and make things better but they do not seem to have team building skills. Moody's IT is demoralized and scattered and it will take someone that knows how to bring people together and build the new team repairing the damage. The problem is that this is going to be extremely difficult if the new leadership remains as is because there is no trust anymore whatsoever and motivation/initiative which were once thriving in key areas have been eradicated due to the actions of the CIO. Do not pursue Moody's IT positions until you get confirmation the toxicity has been cleaned up.
Information Technology is a mess after recent lay offs. Also experienced great data people were impacted within Data Governance. New CIO - fomer Oppenheimer replacement - has no knowledge and no people skills. I guess Mona Breed will have to leave in next few weeks as Ray realized it was a bad hire. Maybe some great people will come back. We miss them...
No update?
Interesting because they were always so liberal re-hiring people
they are not only doing the layoff. putting the clause that people cannot come back to moody's for ever.
Ahem. Apparently layoffs are not over. Another round coming.....
LinkedIn is showing about 30 jobs in North Carolina for IT, procurement and sourcing, and parts of human resources.
Can’t wait to see how they will run Information Technology with no staff and Oppenheimer replacement with no knowledge. Good luck to Mona Breed
Looks like the restructuring is over for now . Hopefully employee’s peace of mind is restored soon
What is NC?
CIO and new team all from NC. Letting veteran market data personnel go.
NYC conference rooms are booked for today's layoffs
another round of layoffs. this time some big names. With the inception of new CIO and CTO, entire teams and departments laid off. I think the number stands at 300+ from the NYC office.
Small numbers laid off, esp from non revenue generating teams.