Thread regarding Equifax Inc. layoffs

Equifax layoffs November 2018

What's the situation on layoffs? Are we done for now or was yesterday just a start and we can expect more today or sometime next week?

Also, do we have any idea on how many people were shown the door yesterday? I tried to find some info online but had no luck.

I'd appreciate any info.

| 3703 views | | 9 replies (last December 24, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+W9H9XpU

9 replies (most recent on top)

Severance is automatic 4 weeks plus 2 weeks for each year completed. It sure about partial year being prorated. And payment for any accrued vacation days

Post ID: @eaxi+W9H9XpU

What was severance? 1 or 2 weeks pay per year? Prorated for partial years completed, like 6 weeks pay for 6.5 years, or 6.5 weeks for 6.5 years??

Post ID: @eqjk+W9H9XpU

So what was the severance package? One or two weeks per year? Was it prorated on partial years?

Post ID: @efwa+W9H9XpU

It's awful layoffs without giving advance notice to employees.

But when employees quit the job they require two weeks advance notice.

If employers doesn't maintain their policy who is gonna question on them, someone needs to sue on them not to give advance notice.

Post ID: @4mef+W9H9XpU

Also heard there were 300 in Work Force Services. Been looking at Glassdoor and these may be GIFTS to those who were let go.

Post ID: @1axl+W9H9XpU

If that is the case, they could be in violation of the WARN act by not providing 60 days notice of the impending layoffs.

Post ID: @jvn+W9H9XpU

Rumour is 500 globally.

200 in Alpharetta

100 in Sydney

and further 200 across multiple sites in Lima, Santiago and Europe

Post ID: @qxn+W9H9XpU

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