Thread regarding University of Phoenix layoffs

UoPX numbers and the "culture of silence"

Since late 2016, University of Phoenix has been able to work under the radar, because they don't have to produce SEC documents.

UoPX, under Apollo Global Management and Vistria Group, won't even tell many of its own workers how many students they have or how bad the financial situation is.

In 2016, UoPX had a reported 142,000 students. Some courageous person here leaked information that enrollment is down to about 75,000. There also have been rumors that UoPX was still operating at a huge loss despite all the layoffs and campus closings.

Will UoPX be willing to publicly report their enrollment numbers? If not, is there anyone that could provide more documentation of enrollment and financial numbers? Or are higher-level managers and executives too afraid to talk even anonymously?

| 2665 views | | 7 replies (last March 12, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+XPwy0pR

7 replies (most recent on top)

To "Oh - and if I knew more why would I tell you of all people? All you do is p--poo what we’re doing here and I and a lot of my coworkers like it here, believe in our students and believe in what we’re doing here. You only hear from the disgruntled ones, or at least only talk about that."

I am at a campus outside of Arizona. No one here that I know of believes in our current students or trusts management. How could an intelligent, self-respecting, able person believe in "what we're doing here"? Even if you ignore the obvious academic decline, lack of transparency, management duplicity, and student demographics, the culture is fractured beyond repair and almost everyone is looking for a new job except those who are expecting severance and unemployment. You would have to be a shill, sycophant, troglodyte, or very low-skilled person with no options to believe in what Phoenix is doing and to stay here and do it with any self-respect!

Post ID: @dpxk+XPwy0pR

Highly doubt there is 75,000 actively enrolled students. Probably only 50,000 are “actively” pursuing a degree there. If UOP was growing as is claimed by the most recent “state of the university” phone call, they wouldn’t keep having lay-offs every month or every couple of months. Closing campus locations and getting rid of entire departments (Call center/QC) is not a sign of growth or stability.

There is a culture of fear and insecurity. Most student-facing employees don’t know how long they will have their job, and are complacent due to the time they have invested with UOP.

Post ID: @1sku+XPwy0pR

Oh - and if I knew more why would I tell you of all people? All you do is p--poo what we’re doing here and I and a lot of my coworkers like it here, believe in our students and believe in what we’re doing here. You only hear from the disgruntleld ones, or at least only talk about that.

Post ID: @1zwh+XPwy0pR

I am not and I don’t have to be in management to know that. The president talks about it in his quarterly calls that everyone is invited to and apparently it even is mentioned in faculty calls. So anyone at the University (can) know. Nothing secret about it. You saying what you say just demonstrates how uninformed you really are and how few sources you have - stuff that practically everyone who works at Phoenix knows you make a big deal over “knowing.” You have no credibility to anyone who knows even a little about this place.

Post ID: @1bwu+XPwy0pR

@XPwy0pR-1orz, while you may have known about the 75,000 number, it is not "public knowledge." Many @UoPX employees were unaware of the numbers and too afraid to ask.

Perhaps you are in management.

What other things that you presume are "public knowledge" are you keeping to yourself? And what are your opinions of those under you, including the students?

Post ID: @1dvc+XPwy0pR

You don’t know what you’re talking about. They are sharing all those numbers. No courage needed to leak the 75k number, it’s public knowledge. And the huge loss rumor is wrong, as earning, enrollment, and revenue are also shared when the president does his call - heard it myself. So no secrecy needed and no huge conspiracy. You sound like Trump.

Post ID: @1orz+XPwy0pR

there is no culture of silence everyone knows University of Phoenix is a joke fake degree factory thats going to collapse.

Post ID: @1aga+XPwy0pR

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