Thread regarding Goodyear layoffs

Window Dressing @ Goodyear

Management is more interested in window dressing by hiring Business Development suits who are absolutely useless in generating business. To balance the books they will now fire hard working workers who really need the jobs and work at it unlike the management fat who live off expense accounts under pretext of traveling for "business development". How much business is being "developed" can be seen from the numbers that are being produced! On top of that factory safety s---s. How many have died so far because of unsafe environment?

| 2376 views | | 3 replies (last February 13, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+XgeYRVb

3 replies (most recent on top)

"Business Daveyloopment Manager" - to tell Americans how to run and do business in America with an accent from Bangalore. My heart weeps for this company.

Post ID: @ltho+XgeYRVb

Just got my notice yesterday. Packed my box and bags and out of the swamp

Post ID: @6gfv+XgeYRVb

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