In today's conference call, the analysis understand that GE needs to close some major factories due to over capacity. When will our leadership make these tough decisions? And lets face it the Alstom factories in France are the first ones to go. Sell them to EDF and cut our losses!
4 replies (most recent on top)
They removed the entire additive manufacturing from Birr, Switzerland. It was a dozen 3D printing machines and 60 workers fired. It looks like a politic move to keep Greenville relevant, even though Birr started 3D printing way before the USA.
They close building, they close factories. It's just they never communicate about it. The less noise it makes locally, the better for them.
Leadership is the problem! Needs to start at the Power CEO level.
Base costs are going to be reduced significantly, and soon. Strazsic says it, Lammas says it...its coming.
I heard ge power is minting money