Thread regarding CACI International Inc. layoffs

My advice, you can join CACI, just not the IMPACT contract in Chantilly, V$$

IMPACT contract with TSA is already experiencing layoffs less than 2 months after starting the contract in February 2019. My guess is they over hired staff with repetitive skill sets.

From what I’ve seen, they have given folks 1 week to either find a new job or be relocated to a different contract if a position exist that matches your skill set.

CACI took over the TSA contract by charging $194 million for three years. The former Incumbent company (GDIT) was charging close to $400 million, so my suspicions are, CACI is trying to cut cost.

| 4625 views | | 4 replies (last April 14, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+ZEV2B8F

4 replies (most recent on top)

CACI has been given an extension on the contract now and it’s valid until July 31, 2022.

Still not keeping my hopes up about the Government keeping CACI as a prime contractor. If they do, it will end up breaking the traditional pattern of not awarding the contract to the current Prime contractor.

We’ll find out come July 2022. As of now, Perspecta has not posted information related to an IMPACT 2 hiring event.

More updates coming soon.

Post ID: @gBxqm+ZEV2B8F

Fast forward from 2019 when CACI won the IMPACT contract to now 2022, CACI has lost the contract. Perspecta, tag you’re it.

Although CACI’s initial first year in the contract was a bit rough around the edges, in part because of adjustments, and budget cuts, they did manage to meet government expectations on the remaining years of the contract( SLAs, metrics, etc).

Everyone has come to an understanding that TSA is an incredibly difficult customer. The consensus is, TSA will never be satisfied. Somehow once the contractor meets their goals and delivers what is asked, they manage to change the playbook and requirements once the work has been completed on any given project.

My guess is they continue to change contractors to save, you guessed it, money. Companies come and go, but the same employees tend to stay as incumbents, some of the employees have been around for 15 to 20 something years, so technically service is not affected, but the thought of getting better pricing with a new contractor is always an attractive option.

The culture on the government side is a bit hostile towards contractors, second class treatment sort of thing.

The culture of narcissism is very much alive on the government side and treatment towards contractors is next to disappointing. Run for the hills if you’re a contractor, there are better options out there.

Post ID: @gukkz+ZEV2B8F

Yep, IMPACT has cut 80% of their staff. Clearly, CACI severely underbid just to win without any foresight on the level of effort, or even concern they can do the job. They started at over 500 employees, down to just under 100.

Pretty great.

In the year they've had IMPACT, CACI has forced employees to take PTO as a cost cutting measure, they've unceremoniously laid off people with little to no notice, and there is leadership that is continuing to work even though they're technically off (PTO). Pretty sure this is payroll fraud.

SLAs are failing everywhere, and nobody seems to care.

Post ID: @2Gird+ZEV2B8F

CACI IMPACT morale is horrible. People are being laid of with 1and 2 week notice. Most if not many employees and subs are actively looking for jobs. Entire sections are being cut and the work out for subs to work. Managers have been removed as well. It’s apparent that the work was not scoped properly and things don’t look good even after a hundred plus cuts.

Post ID: @hjdi+ZEV2B8F

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