Thread regarding Forest Laboratories Inc. layoffs

Facilities managers are scum

I am a happy ex employee who worked very hard and got F====d. At least some of the overpaid and wasteful facilities Mangers were let go (guess) and some of the Commerce drive ladies who just like to talk about everyone else hopefully are gone. They also forgot the Director of Facilities who is over paid and knows nothing.

| 1791 views | | 2 replies (last May 13, 2014)
Post ID: @OP+uxtykk2

2 replies (most recent on top)

Why is it toxic?

Post ID: @13LUn+uxtykk2

When I started at Forest, I was excited about working for a company that was making a difference in peoples lives. However, I quickly realized that the atmosphere is toxic especially from New York.

I would advise all to run, not walk away from any job at Forest until the dust settles and the hacks in NYC are gone following the Actavis purchase of Forest

Post ID: @8BfV+uxtykk2

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