Topics regarding layoffs at Amerigas Partners L.P.

Topics regarding layoffs at Amerigas Partners L.P.

worked both lines yet they lay us off

amerigas in ruffsdale is untrustworthy they will lay you off no matter what bullshit they feed you. just laid us all off from the second shift..wouldnt keep us on the main line regardless of abundance of work.

| 2025 views | | 1 reply (November 21, 2014)
Post ID: @OP+xrMOnxD

So AmeriGas laid off 10% of the workforce in April 2013

So AmeriGas laid off 10% of the workforce in April 2013. The short staffed all of the offices and now they are making the field managers work up to 16 hours day 6 days a week to cover the shortfall. What a nasty place to work!

| 2015 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+q5pRxC2


Sr. Management is only focused on money. High pricing. While SR. management continues to receive bonuses annually....large bonuses, employees go without, get minimal payraises, and have to reach unrealistic goals to get even a small bonus. Employees... — read more 

| 2190 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+orU3X23

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