Just cant seem to leave anything be, the schedule was great they ruined that, the weekly pay was great they ruined that, the raised rates on parts when demand went down, compitition is doing great while we loose buisness, managment cant seem to see... — read more
More job loss for now
But things should be improving
Let this sink in - 15% of all people breaking in Oregon have lost their jobs it last month
Ashamed to work for Warren Buffet, the worker killer
What is sad is that while laying off good hard working people with 35 years of service they do it in a manner that is deplorable. They come take you away like a criminal and can't even shake hands goodby, all the while hiring lower paid workers with... — read more
Beware of Warren
You know how he makes his money? He lays people off and he sucks out all cashflow that's available - so, to free up cash flow he will lay off as many people as possible and this will continue for many years to come. PCC layoffs are real and will be... — read more
2016 layoffs due to Berkshire Acquisition
Do you think we will have massive layoffs at Precision Castparts due to Berkshire acquisition? They seem to always lay off a lot of people after the acquire them? I hope I am wrong but I really think we will have a tough year next year.
Wyman-Gordon, Special Metals Corporation, Titanium Metals Corporation Layoffs
Any layoffs at your subsidiaries?
2014 Cuts
It's starting in February - PC is just like that, they will cut you if you are redundant, nothing to bitch about
You guys are leaches
You buy companies and suck blood out of them - you all deserve to be let go. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Managers Laid Off without warning at Progressive in Arlington Texas
2 Program Managers and the Assembly Manager was let go from Progressive (PCC Company) in Sept without warning and one week before quarterly bonus pay out due to not meeting daily dollars to dock.
I dont know if any manufacturing job is safe today
I dont know if any manufacturing job is safe today
manufacturing supervisors in so cal - laid off - i hated my job anyway
manufacturing supervisors in so cal - laid off - i hated my job anyway
industrial goods and metal fabrication is doing well recently, no layoffs here
industrial goods and metal fabrication is doing well recently, no layoffs here
i was let go in november
i was let go in november. there were three of us that were let go, i am not sure why, but they quoted dire financial climate and such. i think our business was good and that we totally had a chance to grow, but it is what it is. i am with a small... — read more