Thread regarding SAP layoffs

Market Cap

3 years since I was laid off in the 2019 restructuring.

Since then SAP's Market Cap and Stock Price has lost about 30% of its value.

My salary has increased 50%.

I have outperformed SAP by 80%.

| 2866 views | | 9 replies (last October 25, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1ihYBR8s

9 replies (most recent on top)

Same for me! Very close stats to yours. It’s unreal how lowly paid achievers were treated back then. I predicted they would not recover for some timeā€¦and still haven’t.

Post ID: @16lor+1ihYBR8s

3 years and you are still sour?
time to move on

Post ID: @Tnvk+1ihYBR8s

I was part of this restructuring.
Looking back, my compensation with the new employer is almost 2.3x of my compensation at SAP before the layoff. Equity compensation in SAP was a joke. Although my current work is not as highly technical as it was with SAP, at least I'm not getting exploited here.

Post ID: @Awnv+1ihYBR8s

O <--- the inner circle of the hard feelings

  • <--- thats you approaching
Post ID: @zamw+1ihYBR8s

Salesforce revenue now exceeds SAP Olin 2022+. The only team to be laid off are the board.

Post ID: @6rjq+1ihYBR8s

Blame Elliott group and then blame Hasso for what occurred in 2018.

Post ID: @4pux+1ihYBR8s

Excellent. Good for you. I survived the cut and I have broken even. I dump the stock and claim whatever % I can as soon as I can.

Post ID: @2vbm+1ihYBR8s


Post ID: @1tma+1ihYBR8s

I blame Mcdermott for letting you go

Post ID: @1ufc+1ihYBR8s

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