
Posts mentioning hashtag #winning

Below are all the posts — topics as well as replies — that mention the hashtag #winning.

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@bhvv+1vo6g4Wc - I always laugh when I see that group's name. :-D

Great team, but the fact that any Bank has a division called "Global Financial Crimes" is hilarious.

(I'd love to be in Global Financial Crimes - oh my, the moolah to be made!!)

Seriously, the need to re-brand to ANTI Global Financial Crimes.

How has no regulator (those d-mba$$e$ who are all over us for volumes of meaningless paperwork) not called Greener out on this?

A-sleep.at.the.wheel. Words matter, mo-rons. Yea, let's all get up every morning and do some real Global Financial Crimes. #Winning!

BofA was very cute with the Nov 14 layoffs. Just a tiny trim here and there across divisions and markets so as not to cross the wire on any WARN requirements in any jurisdiction.

Why the "randomness" you ask?

If they do a tiny haircut here and there, they avoid the regulatory and government disclosure requirements.

Which the media watch.

Bad press avoided.


(Yes, they are that sick. And @8dgb+1vo6g4Wc is spot on. This Old Timer would gleefully trample many long-standing friends and colleagues to be first on the list for severance. Just tell me where to sign up and I will enthusiastically step into the breach to save anyone's seat who needs the job. He--, at this point, I'd even pay to be on that list.)

What a resume line to be proud of:

Pocketed part of the difference from converting a 158 year old engineering company to a call center while lying about it to everyone who worked for me

#winning #waem

To be clear, Viasat replaced 6.75% debt due in 2026 with 9% debt due in 2029. This when we're heading into a period of reducing interest rates which pose better timing opportunities. Cue Gooroo's misplaced "this was a great debt sale" garbage at the next all hands. #winning


Indeed they have the same tax loss plan for vsat as I do. Use vsat rsu/espp share losses to soak up profits from the winners. In the end they cut their losses at 50-60%. I guess MD and GG can be useful for something. #winning?

My purpose is to milk this company for as much salary as I can each month whilst minimizing my office hours, effort and engagement. #winning

$50 Billion invested by HR in Workday and Automation…. Yet employee posts Vacation question on Layoff.com! #winning

I haven't done anything more than mundane office work for years. I've milked 7 figures off the company in that time for being a faceless office droid. #winning

Yes! You have the right to negotiate your own severance. You can ask for more money, training, outplacement services, etc. There's a reason it's not more widely talked about. You violate the terms of the NDA if you talk about it. Also, what company wants you to know you have leverage??? You don't have to sign anything and can then hire a lawyer. Of course this could backfire in your face. You could end up with nothing AND a bill from your lawyer. Every action has risks. There's no easy answer, so do what is best for you and your family.

You could hire a really big team in India for 200k. How many Mexicans can you hire with the yearly wages of one UAW worker? Assume goodness.

Yes. Your leaders sold you out. You had a false belief that lead you to trust UAW leaders against your own best interests. Since well before the bankruptcy, the UAW leaders have taken kickbacks against the best interests of the members. Many are in jail, including (2) UAW presidents. That's why there's been no COLA since 2009.

"Hey salaried workers, have you been able to negotiate your annual raise? Get more money than they planned to give you?"
Yes, every single time. If you work hard, help others, and document your achievements you get the biggest raise available, at least at corporations like GM. I have gotten the max bonus and raise every year since I started and I can assure you, it's much much more than anyone in the UAW. Have you ever gotten a $20-30k bonus? Many 7th and 8th level non-union have many times. The management is not my enemy. We are all working toward the same goal. If you worth WITH them, you get rewarded. That's how it works outside of the collectivist mentality. That's a WINNER'S mindset. Doing the minimum while complaining and threatening walkouts and calling in sick is a loser mentality.
You can be bitter and curse at me and I'll be sitting here sipping coffee in my paid-off home. It's true. I have no debt. Because I used those big bonuses to keep my head above water. #winning And before you gripe about how you have better job security - I have been laid off as an engineer but I was always able to get a job quickly and for more money. 100% true. Transferable, valuable skills vs manual labor anyone can do.

Another #Winning Idea from K

Announce “new responsibilities” for the leadership team. That’s the same tired generic BS that got us to this point in the first place.

| 1613 views | | 7 replies (last September 13, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1ovcXgJr
| Regarding CVS

So glad to have gotten my layoff papers and my severance! Thank you sh!tshow UHG, as I’m gainfully employed at a new gig; making more, and the sh!tshow paid me to leave! #winning
When you have sh!tty management, they tend to make poor decisions. I feel bad for the people that have to pick up the slack, as the managers are all out for themselves.
However, it’s best to stay and get a package as opposed to just quitting.

very similar thing happened to me. Pip my a-s (with ZERO reasons why). "It was a tough cycle." Then, repeatedly ask me to stay. I waited till minutes before the deadline to give my decision, PIL. they were freakin hahaha I'm sure it cost them millions overall hahahaha #Winning #WeAreExxonDipShits. Bunch of clowns run that company

Great! We are buying back our Permian acreage we sold to them in early 2000s! Next we will buy Hess to get all of Guyana back! #winning!

Knowing that we farmed it out for pennies really burns me up. Such a lost opportunity.

And to make the Brazil story worse we overpaid the second place bid by a huge amount. The second place bid was significantly less than our #winning bid.

lol no. Unless that is the only operator that will hire you. In which case, sounds about par for the course for XOM to force feed minority hires with no experience into XTO. #winning #DEI

Up until a few years after the merger, EM severance packages were the industry standard of 1 month salary for every year of service with a cap of 24 months salary.

Supposedly Lee Raymond did not like such respectful treatment of layoff victims and their families and made the statement “Never again will we pay someone to leave when all we have to do is show them the door”.

This selfish statement was made by a man that received nearly $100 million when he left.

When the PIP was first we-ponized in 2013, the severance was cut back to 4 months of pay plus insurance, then that was cut back to 3 months in 2019.

EM has gone from paying 24 months severance to only 3 months.


“Winning” : what ExxonMobil defines as excluding competition with better results until you’re first. Example : we don’t compare our refining assets to refining companies and don’t compare our production assets to pure play producers… we only compare to RDS, CVX, and… BP for everything. #winning

Lol the loyalists here are just salty they can't believe their beloved Exxon would pay them below average. I did not move to tech, I moved to consulting and you're right it was not a 50% raise, it's an 70% raise once I factor the lower end of the bonus range.

Keep #Winning!

I've lost count of the number of zoom calls I've been in muted and camera off having a cr-p at home!


Giving it to the man!


Had my PDS feedback done in Aug and was told that I delivered alot of business value and avoided RC2 financial risk totalling USD15 million. All of which was done remotely due to covid travel restriction. KO feedback had praises for quality, timely delivery of business result.

Did all that just to be ranked as Middle Average or in Exxonmobil speak "Good" bucket. The other sponsored US kool aid drinker in Singapore gets Outstanding ranked working in a non-running plant and for attending meetings/showing up. #Winning #WeAreExxonmobil

Just do nothing. Get the same salary but just do nothing. Labels are meaningless if you can decouple yourself from them. #winning

Cyber training #winning

Did anyone take the new cyber security training yet? Hosted by a wanna be Reggae band member. Our XOM manager is trying hard to be “hip” lol

Also when did we all become associates, do we now work for Wal-Mart?

BTC/KLTC engineer quality of deliverables not up to par - TMTS imploding soon?

Heard from inner technology circles that quality of deliverables outsourced to BTC/KLTC is poor triggering a relook into the type of work ported to the tech center. Pay a freshie engineer in Asia USD10-15k/yr and get them to churn out useless report, it is anyone's guess that quality will be subpar.

Make no mistake the asia tech center are here to stay. Upper Management will tolerate the sub-quality work, blame the supervisors and call it a day. #winning #We Are Exxonmobil

Highest value employee at xom

With performance feedback coming soon I just want to say the person who actually deserves OwD is the person who added the option to watch management videos in double speed. Time wasted listening to pointless messages reduced by 50%. Single biggest achievement of the Corp all year. #winning

My job is easy, I do maybe 20% of what I used to do prior to getting the NI kicking.

Motivation and engagement by everyone here is the lowest it's ever been. No prospects, no growth and development, no training. Not miserable at all, just taking the check for minimum effort. #winning

Leadership at ADP is an oxymoron. They are all abandoning a sinking ship. Hiring offshore has taken on extra urgency even though attendance is non existant Mondays, Fridays and anything perceived as a holiday. #WINNING