Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

WAEM - EM Purpose

Ok so who actually believes Darren really believes our purpose is to provide energy to do good. He doesn’t care about doing good; he does care about providing energy and making money. Just be straight about it and stop the cr-p.

| 1351 views | | 7 replies (last May 12)
Post ID: @OP+1stwxemd

7 replies (most recent on top)

Don't they realize that profits will decline w headcount at some point?? We aren't 5jatvoversraff3d, certainly not now.

Post ID: @1jdh+1stwxemd

Of course we deliver energy to do good. But it means “good” in certain pockets”.

Post ID: @1len+1stwxemd

My purpose is to milk this company for as much salary as I can each month whilst minimizing my office hours, effort and engagement. #winning

Post ID: @1onx+1stwxemd

WE ARE EXXONMOBIL (WAEM) is just a marketing tool to distract the employees while the executives deliver on our commitment to the stockholders. We have another $5.3 billion to go by the end of 2027.

4Q2023 Earnings Call: Achieved $9.7 billion of cumulative structural cost savings in 2023 versus 2019, exceeding the $9 billion plan with an additional $2.3 billion of savings during the year and $0.7 billion during the quarter. The company plans to deliver cumulative savings totaling $15 billion by the end of 2027.

Post ID: @1bdc+1stwxemd


Post ID: @1qdw+1stwxemd


Post ID: @let+1stwxemd

It's the making money part that DW cares about, and specifically how much money he makes personally.

Post ID: @jhl+1stwxemd

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