Topics regarding layoffs at Carbo Ceramics Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Carbo Ceramics Inc.

More Layoffs 2020

1/3 of the workforce to be laid off between now and July 1,2020 (more than 100 people)

| 760 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+14JxLsah

All Proppant makers are laying off

Things are not good for anyone, not only for CC - we'll see what 2016 bring, I hope things turn around. The shale industry needs to recover first.

| 2193 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+G02bQ97

Any news on layoffs 2015

I see a lot of people are viewing the posts but nobody is giving us the info on what's happening at Carbo Ceramics? Any updates?

| 2350 views | | 3 replies (last April 20, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+AtcFKyJ

reservoir diagnostic services specialist

I work for a competitor, we deal with proppant and are a provider of fracture and reservoir diagnostic services and fracture simulation. Do you hire?

| 2056 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+teYlD4w

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