Topics regarding layoffs at International Paper Co.

Topics regarding layoffs at International Paper Co.

IP layoffs in 2018

Any truth to the rumor that there will be a reorganization and either the Rome, Ga or Orange, TX mill will be closed and demoed? Heard that demand is down and these are the lowest performing mills in the system. Sounds like the Orange mill is likely... — read more 

| 3410 views | | 6 replies (last April 28, 2019)

2015 Cuts Immanent?

Would you agree? I heard rumors about Q4 2015 being really tough and a major reorganization being in the works - would you agree with this? Or, should we say that 'something' will happen but we do not know how big it'll be. I can tell you one thing... — read more 

| 1823 views | | 1 reply (July 30, 2015)
Post ID: @OP+CJ0uZsu

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