Mars associates are starting to be “let go” now that the Kellanova merger has been approved by the FTC. They won’t call it layoffs because they don’t want the bad press, and they don’t want to pay out severance. I’d recommend anyone employed with... — read more
New Pension plan or should I say joke of a pension plan
Who else has figured out that the new plan they offered back in 2004 was the worst decision an employee could have made? I wonder who did benefit from that "new plan", because certainly not the employees that where tricked and lead to believe it was... — read more
2021 TSM: Writing on the wall
Would caution all of you to pay extra close attention to the current environment for all TSMs........There’s lot of iPad watching and scrutiny on all TSM activities, everything is under an intense microscope. Just be aware that everything is being... — read more
Reinvention, Next 100 Years, Let's Celebrate
These townhalls and region calls are getting more and more pathetic. Absolutely no acknowledgment that they just let go almost their entire c-store team and say cstore is the most important team in the same breath. Losing share and sales because they... — read more
The fall of Mars wrigley
So much has changed in fours years. Mars wrigley no longer feels like a family owned company and no longer follows its 5 principles, unless it’s for a press release. The convienience store team was completely gutted as the business switches to third... — read more
Lack of respect
Lack of respect for TSM in general, risking lives in stores while anyone above is forbbiden to travel and kept safe.....Double standard much? They act for show as if they care and then disguise layoffs as a different name to protect the company... — read more
Fix it
Leadership is to blame, they have such bad strategy and lack of knowledge of the true business. The blame TSM for a bad covid strategy that many seen coming except them. Too busy going to big meetings looking at each other with goo goo eyes while... — read more
C-Store Team Being Gutted
More than 100 positions being eliminated in the c-store team. Announcement early November will be made about what positions are affected. Leadership always says they put us first but it’s clear after the last 3 years that the mighty dollar is what... — read more
Clean this mess, more layoffs?
They need to fix leadership here....Lack of diversity, terrible business decisions, don't care about certain people during covid, and playing catch up each year with the most powerful brands...... Somebody clean house of the real problem makers here. — read more
Mid 2020: Any information?
Larry, I’ve seen a lot of people leaving, there’s a hiring freeze, positions not being filled, and other interesting happenings. Looks like in March they downsized or offered packages too? Anyone know what’s going on or what the higher ups are... — read more
Stability no more
There was an all sales call early March stating a reorganization and to expect notification in 2-3 weeks to see how you fit into the new structure. Mars Wrigley TSM position is no longer a stable position in the company. It is a shame the TSMs... — read more
Mars Wrigley lay-off 2020?
Anyone know anything?
Layoffs HAVE started
I work for a broker that represents MWC in grocery,the whole Central region was laid off last Thursday. We were told it’s effecting all channels. Grocery,WM team,MWC direct & the C store small format. No one saw this coming! This was made into a... — read more
Layoffs at Mars next week?
Is this true?
Mars Wrigley Layoffs 2019
Not sure why there are no posts but layoffs are happening. Just look at all competitors, everyone's had them, so Mars Wrigley is no different here.
What are plans for major cuts in Q1 2017 - just a rumor?
Do we know more here as it relates to Mars - there are rumors but are they true?
Never say never
RIFs always happen at Mars just wait long enough, you'll see I am not wrong.
Baltimore downsizing
A distribution center in Baltimore (1401 Edison Highway) is closing, we had over 100 people working three
m&m mars layoffs
i heard rumors that you might be hiring? is this true? mars' stock doing fine.
Founded in 1911, Mars, Incorporated is a private, family-owned company that is one of the world's largest food companies
Founded in 1911, Mars, Incorporated is a private, family-owned company that is one of the world's largest food companies. Mars operates in six business segments: Chocolate, Petcare, Wrigley Gum and Confections, Food, Drinks, and Symbioscience-their... — read more