Lay-offs are challenging times, I know because i was in the same situation prior to coming to work at TeleVox over 10 years ago. However, what seemed like one of the scariest times for me ended up being the beginning to a path for an immensely... — read more
When one door closes another one (even better) opens
I feel for the Patterson employees that have been affected by the recent layoffs. I sold my company to Benco and experienced a similar situation after they got what they wanted. However, I started a new Independent Dental company that is doing quite... — read more
Patterson for the last two years around April time frame lays off people to help make the end of year results look good.
Patterson Companies tries to be sneaky by making everyone sign a non dis-closer statement and keeps the numbers small enough so as to not report it to the news. Last April it was about 200 heads.