Topics regarding layoffs at Tetra Tech Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Tetra Tech Inc.

Tetra Tech Layoffs 2020

Post any information about potential or actual Tetra Tech Layoffs 2020? Any news or rumors?

| 1433 views | | 1 reply (April 20, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+125kUAsH

Director of International Operations

I was employee number 64. I worked there for 29 years and saw the ups and downs including the purchase by Honeywell, and the LBO by LSH when we had only about half a dozen senior employees. I was there when LSH handed the reins to Dan Batrack, whom I... — read more 

Tetra Tech Layoffs 2017

Market keeps going up and down, there is a ton of uncertainty and people are talking about layoffs in Pasadena.

| 3156 views | | 1 reply (July 14, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+Kvw5Skf

Hemorrhaging jobs

Many offices closing or reduced to one or two people. If you take vacation there will be no job when you get back.

| 2354 views | | 1 reply (September 10, 2014)
Post ID: @OP+xdmuyYp

Gov work

worked on the gov side, hated it, left on my own, much happier now..

| 1936 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+tL4Eqpt

Saratoga County Cuts (2013)

I was let go back in 2013, I moved on and Tetra Tech is just a distant memory right now. I liked some of the folks there, the managers were OK, the leadership was delusional. Overall B-, cannot complain too much...

| 1966 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+tymNr5W

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