Any idea how many folks got let go in each of CA, AZ, WI?
Is there still a SanMateo office?
I heard it was completely wiped out.
Significant layoff on 11/5
The Healthy Equity acquisition is complete so by all means let’s have a nice big layoff before the holidays. Anyone know how many people were let go?
Every. Single. Spring...
More layoffs are happening. Good luck, if you are reading this you are concerned and you should be. I am leaving on my own terms - best of luck.
WageWorks Corporate Layoff April 6-7, 2017
Company wide layoff. Poorly run Information Technology Group in the Irving Texas office.
2nd wave of layoffs is coming to WageWorks
Yes from a even more reliable source, yes the 2nd wave is coming. I kick myself in the A$$ that when I had an out (x2) and I didn't take it because I was promised over and over I would never be laid off. Told to relax, you will get a raise on top of... — read more
10% RIF company wide
on 6/1, 10% of the entire company was laid off