Have you heard anything about potential Alere layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Alere Layoffs 2023
Do you think there will be Alere layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
How many people work at Alere?
Nobody knows when layoffs will happen, but the overall number of employees should be public info. Do you know how many people work at the company? How about the office at Waltham?
Alere Layoffs 2019
Will there be any Alere Layoffs in 2019?
Abbott cleared house in Waltham. Very poorly executed by Abbott -- you would think the bull in the china shop would be better at these things.
Alere Layoffs 2018
Whenever you think there will be no layoffs/job-cuts/RIFs they change the approach. Now all people are talking about job cuts in Waltham.
Will there be an Alere personnel layoff with the Abbott acquisition
Also, given that Wipro is spreading this wings, is Abbott do anything about it?
Wipro is taking over control of everything IT
Abbott has outsourced IT to Wipro and last year virtually destroyed their internals. So new staff from both Alere and St. Jude will be put onto the chopping block. Wipro is taking control of everything.
Abbott/Alere to Shut Down San Diego
I heard that Abbott can't keep the Alere San Diego facility in the new deal (monopoly issues?) and must divest the entire property/operation in San Diego. Not sure if that's true, but it looks like a lot of folks could be out of job if that's the... — read more
Alere Layoffs 2017
I need to know when layoffs will happen (need to make a major purchase and I am anxious) here in Waltham.
Abbott Laboratories and Alere Merger - Possible Layoffs 2016
Do you think that IT and Marketing might be affected by Abbott and Alere Merger Layoffs 2016? How confident are you that the cuts may take place?
Alere Layoffs 2016
What is the likelihood of Alere layoffs in Waltham in 2016? Please let me know if you have any information.
Alere layoffs in 2016
I heard that there might be a large Alere reorg sometimes in 2016, now that may affect layoffs and HR and Finance groups