Another 20-30 on Monday. Well done Ron and Team! You've done a great job keeping that turd floating while ruining countless lives. You should give yourselves more stock or pay raises. Shameful. You took a great place to work and destroyed it.
Management has their heads up their asses. News flash you don't need alot of managers to steer your work force and all are typically overpaid full salary plus 20-50% bonus or more while the real workers get bamboozled with the defacto 3% raise if... — read more
July 2014 Cuts
Deep cuts in July, around 30% - the layoff is both wide and deep affecting many groups
What, no posts here today? Guys come on!
Stupid. We have layoffs.
Layoffs again
March and now May 2014 - things are getting worse
Best Job in the world!
In my opinion, culture is the most important factor in a company. And this company has absolutely none! Hey, lets do something to boost moral and relax the workers -- "Lets put a ping pong table in the cafeteria!!" IDIOTS! Probably the last thing we... — read more
2014 Layoffs Confirmed
Layoffs are happening, February and March 2014, that's pretty much it - pray to God if you want to stay with Anadigics. But why would you want to stay with a company with horrible management. There is a ton of favoritism, rewards are not based on job... — read more
Why is nobody posting today?
We know what's in the works
ILD and GaN are not new products period
As said below, nothing else to add
Ron Michel's 3 year report card
Ron Michels CEO has been in place for 3 years. Let's see what he and his leadership team have accomplished and if it is worth it. Revenue $217M down to $134M (A 40?% reduction) Gross Profit down from $76M to $8.3M (An 89% reduction) EBITDA down from... — read more
Why is nobody posting?
We all know what's going on
This place will never succeed under the management currently in place.
The idiots who got the company into the situation that made lay offs necessary in the first place are still employed for the most part. ...and Anadigics is STILL in trouble!! So. What have we learned today class?? Doug Dopp, Bob Cameron, and that... — read more
Egos are out of Control At anadigics:-( They lie and layoff constantly
Egos are out of Control At anadigics:-( They lie and layoff constantly. The worst place to work on the planet, glad to be free of this dump!!!
I got axed 6 months ago
I got axed 6 months ago. Now, a better job, better paid, cannot complain, Anadigics is a dump anyway...
Should read; looks like those RETIREMENT plans are on hold huh cameron??
Should read; looks like those RETIREMENT plans are on hold huh cameron??
Looks like those layoff plans are on hold huh cameron??
Looks like those layoff plans are on hold huh cameron??
what are GaAs ICs?
what are GaAs ICs?
Well, as cost effective manufacturing of GaAs ICs for consumer-oriented electronics and telecommunications applications we pride ourselves as...
Well, as cost effective manufacturing of GaAs ICs for consumer-oriented electronics and telecommunications applications we pride ourselves as having reasonable costs. And labor drives costs up. Go figure.