Topics regarding layoffs at Cree Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Cree Inc.

Yes - Layoff's today

Second quarter results announced Tuesday evening were pretty dire. Lots of blame on the failed Wolfspeed deal. The President of sales is whipping the place together and bringing in thne talent to teach everyone how it should be done. Who has been let... — read more 

| 3404 views | | 1 reply (April 27, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+N0TlNII

Cree Inventory

How do you guys manage inventory, I hear that there is a ton of inventory that's not being sold - anyone from Cree here to comment on this - I am not asking about layoffs or job cuts

| 1910 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+KgS8go9

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