Topics regarding layoffs at KAR Auction Services Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at KAR Auction Services Inc.

entire IT team is laid off today

used car prices are falling, dealer margins are getting squeezed and so wholesale car auction is expected to go down significantly, putting a significant downward pressure on Kar. The forecast and situation in Sep 2023 are delicate or look murky at... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1owRgSoi

Is that true?

Just when I thought I would be spending my vacation stress-free, I heard rumors that more layoffs are coming. Please, does anyone have insight into whether this is true and if so, can you provide more details?

Kar layoffs on 05/02/2022

Laid off along with a massive amount of others today. Not sure if kar is liquidating all its companies but cars arrive is at a quarter of the employees it was on Friday. No one is safe, entire teams where let go again! BTW Adesa lost General motors... — read more 

KAR is a horrible place to work

This company has gone from bad to worse and then even further, if that's even possible. I've been here since the start and I can tell you that things were not like this before. I used to love my job. Now, I'm not sure which aspect of it is the worst:... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+17lyGSDa

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