Make a prediction and tell us what you think about Norwegian Cruise Line layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Norwegian Cruise Line Layoffs 2024
Is this going to be an interesting year as it relates to Norwegian Cruise Line layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Norwegian Cruise Line Layoffs 2022
If the market makes a turn soon, do you think there will be Norwegian Cruise Line layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Norwegian Cruise Line Layoffs 2021
If the economy turns around, do you anticipate any Norwegian Cruise Line Layoffs 2021? Any news or rumors?
The decline began before the pandemic
"Even before the coronavirus came into play, (weeks before it was even heard of), the Norwegian Cruise Line began to experience a tremendous decline in new reservations. The managers and everyone else were shocked and this was unexpected. Then the... — read more
Laid off May 6th at the biggest 3rd party cruise seller Vacations To Go
I just got hired at Vacations To Go in mid - January, and due to the decline in bookings the company had no choice but to suspend the whole training program. That’s three full training classes. They had more leads and calls than they could handle... — read more
Laid Off
I was a home reservation agent for Norwegian Cruise line and I was laid off due to the corona virus scare and lack of reservations. Mass layoffs will take place at Norwegian Cruise line.
Master thread for CoronaVirus and impact on Norwegian Cruise Line
What is your opinon about what needs to be done next?
Any layoffs due to the corona virus at Norwegian Cruise?
If yes, what groups