On a massive scale. https://www.heartland.org/news-opinion/news/tesla-shutters-a-dozen-solar-facilities
Will this ever stop?
More layoffs at SolarCity by Tesla higher-ups, more lies about the reasons for layoffs... Will this ever stop?
More layoffs incoming
Sorry to be the bearer of more bad news but if you think the solar division of Tesla is not done laying off you are going to be very surprised. Found this in an older thread, posted today. Does anybody know what this is referring to? I haven't heard... — read more
Roseville to be hit hard
SolarCity is laying off 141 folks from its Roseville location... The location barely opened and now they are getting rid of people... Seems that Tesla acquisition is taking its toll... Hopefully this will not become a trend... — read more
SolarCity ... https://youtu.be/Vsayg_S4pJg TESLA ... https://youtu.be/ctOBMFznkto
Good people,Good Workers for these rich company ... Laid off Commercial Crew Socal/HI.
WHS / HQ - Florida???
The closed down warehouses that were super slow and laid off people at HQ. On the other hand they are opening Salt Lake City, UT, Austin, TX and Houston just came online. Talks of us moving into Florida. And the new solar roof.....game changer. Most... — read more
Chico just did a huge layoff.
Almost every department. Im still slapping glass with the company. Other shops had layoffs as well. Im glad Colorado is doing well brother.
They're not laying anyone off, they're adding more and more people everywhere. We just hired 40 more guys in Colorado and they are opening new states every year.
Best of luck
A lot of great friends I made in a very little time, all honest hard working people but unfortunately I'm no longer with the company, I wish the best of luck to everyone
So much for NO LAYOFFS at SolarCIty
WARN notices filed by Solar, 80 employees cut in San Mateo headquarters and another 28 in the San Francisco facility. 10/19 is the departure date - So wait until October. Also, FYI - 2017 will be even worse in my opinion. Not sure why people still... — read more
Bad Behavior
Bad behavior was permitted by management to boost shareholder confidence. Great company with a great idea, but poor execution. All of the wrong successes were celebrated and all of the wrong people were promoted. I think that Lyndon Rive was sold... — read more
Some cool people MAJOR structural problems
Cool people that worked here but shady upper management and horrid structure. Asking for higher quotas to appease stock holders without providing the leads to do so. As someone who came on with experience in sales management, you need to have... — read more
Love the silliness here but reality is.....
SolarCity is hiring out in my area. I am with the direct sales and we are the lowest cost of acquisition in the company. Subsidies are not going away and actually some states are adding more. The climate has never been better in solar. Numbers have... — read more
Already had 2 rounds of layoffs!
I work in the socal region and we've already seen two rounds of layoffs. The first in May I believe and another at the beginning of August. Not sure why none of this seems to have reached the news. We are now working harder than ever for the least... — read more
Installation Forecast
As long as numbers keep going down we'll have issues here - things can be much worse but I really hope they manage to turn things around and start to grow again.
Friends that are employed in Las Vegas said IT, Facilities, PV Designers and Inside Customer Service and Sales is in the block.
Yesterday everyone was all over social media celebrating the Tesla acquisition and calling him a genius today they are quiet AF. Karma! Go solar, buy local.
The buzz is they are really slowing and/or stopping most hiring and will begin layoffs.
As best I can tell, all of solar is slowing down and SolarCity is the biggest. The appear to have stopped and/or slowed down most hiring. One location was cancelled. This seems to be due to two things. The first is dependency on subsidies that are... — read more
HQ - San Mateo
I hear that there will be cuts in 2014 in San Mateo