Infrastructure problems
Coronavirus, Oil Prices, and the College Meltdown in Alaska
More austerity for University of Alaska?
Dunleavy signs ‘step-down’ compact with University of Alaska
"Gov. Mike Dunleavy and University of Alaska Board of Regents Chair John Davies signed an agreement Tuesday afternoon that would reduce the university’s budget a total of $70 million over three years instead the $136 million in one year as originally... — read more
More than 2,000 university professors left with uncertain future
(Science Friday) What’s Next For The University Of Alaska System?
"Johnsen says the new model would streamline curricula and student services as well as create a single college for each major field of study throughout the university system. Johnsen says the plan saves money by eliminating a lot of administrative... — read more
Budget cuts drive University of Alaska to consolidate its campuses
It all makes sense now
By undermining the university system, Governor Dunleavy and his cronies can profit from the exploitation of Anwar while reducing the environmental resistance. "DEEP DIVE: TRUMP'S QUEST TO OPEN UP ANWR: POLITICO Magazine is out today with an... — read more
"Facing a massive and unprecedented 41 percent cut in state funding, the University of Alaska’s Board of Regents voted 10 to 1 to declare financial exigency, a move that will precede layoffs and program... — read more
Reality check check
"Let's get real. Political officials, regents, board members, and administrators know about lucrative and shady business deals, crony administrative positions, and high-priced pet projects. Teachers and teachers unions know about boring, uncaring... — read more
Worst case scenario?
Looks like Dunleavy is winning.
Saw that one coming...
"Moody's Investors Service today sharply downgraded the rating of revenue bonds issued by the University of Alaska, citing an "unprecedented" single-year reduction in state funding of the... — read more
If the State of Alaska cuts climate change research...
Somebody else better do it.
Disasters, natural and man-made
"Johnsen has described the cut as “devastating” and “draconian,” and said it could result in the closing of campuses, slashing of degree programs and the elimination of at least 1,000 university jobs." "Johnsen, the UA president, has estimated the... — read more
UAA event was promising (from the Landmine)
But much more work needs to be done in any struggle.
University of Alaska to Declare Financial Exigency
"FAIRBANKS – The University of Alaska Board of Regents will consider a declaration of financial exigency as a result of the massive $136 million, or 41 percent reduction, to the university’s state-funded operating... — read more
How do you hold a protest
when legislators have scattered?
it's not easy for students either
Can we get students and staff (including adjuncts) together?
Governor Dunleavy not backing down
"...a spokesman for the governor, said the state still spends more than its peers on higher education and needed to find a way to tackle an estimated $1.6 billion deficit. “We’re out of time and money,” he said."... — read more
86 degrees in Anchorage
Weather and climate are different of course, but if there is anything to remind people that UA and its research are needed... — read more
Sounds like most Alaskans would prefer to maximize their PFD, which seems PFD.
How about you start maintaining standards, cut the fluff out of that ridiculous bureaucracy you call administration department, and focus on edu
How about you start maintaining standards, cut the fluff out of that ridiculous bureaucracy you call administration department, and focus on education instead of political activism in the classroom. Wife wants to move up when we get out of the... — read more
Education Dive Analysis
There are few choices if people don't want to do much. The first idea is to raise tuition. That's what other university systems have done.
Pay frozen over 4 years
I just realized that the cashier at the Tesoro gas station makes more money than I do, and have to have special license! This is going on the 5th year of a pay freeze. I’m done. UAA, Chancelor, President... you have failed.
Is this really happening?
And why aren't people in the streets? Why aren't the unions and students protesting and demanding that Governor Dunleavy be removed? Has the economy been so bad for so long that people don't care? If so, look for more unemployment, more store... — read more
(ADN) "Dunleavy veto is 'devastating,’ says University of Alaska president"
"Furlough notices will be distributed to all university system staff immediately"
"Huge Budget Cut for the University of Alaska"
"Mike Dunleavy, Alaska's Republican governor, used a veto on Friday to strip $130 million from the University of Alaska system's operating budget, the Anchorage Daily News reported. "... — read more
Alaska enrollment down 31 percent
Big cuts ahead?
Alaska's governor proposes a 41 percent cut, the largest in a century, to the public university system. State's only medical education would be eliminated... — read more