Topics regarding layoffs at LabCorp

Topics regarding layoffs at LabCorp

Labcorp Plans Layoffs at Newly Purchased Lab

Labcorp has announced “preliminary plans to downsize” following a series of acquisitions of Portland hospital laboratories. Last year, the North Carolina corporation announced it was purchasing the labs of Providence and Legacy Health, two of... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1usHXvYC


Labcorp buys Enzo and closes the best site in Plainview NY. The place was great. The people were great. Now you’re just like Quest. A blood letting he-l hole. Thanks for that!

| 261 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1sMxlQym

LCA executives scramble

UHC will expose almost $1B in lost revenues over the next year and a half. PAMA has affected reimbursements. All of these factors force LCA executives to scramble to save the dwindling stock price. Cutting costs is an easy fix, yet it will translate... — read more 

| 2590 views | | 1 reply (February 8, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+XuBbGUc

I was Laid off from LabCorp

I to have been cut from LabCorp and they do in fact keep the employees with least seniority and experience. I was rehired by LabCorp into a much lower paying position and later climbed my way up and surpassed. However, you never fully gain trust or... — read more 

| 4150 views | | 2 replies (last December 1, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+XuIw7W3

This will not work longterm

Labcorp is cutting positions based on salary not performance, so the high producers that built decent incomes over the years will be cut in favor of the lower paid low performers. It works short term but it is devastating in the long term. So much... — read more 

| 2390 views | | 1 reply (February 6, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+XbHW9h0

Nationwide layoff 2018???

LabCorp had layoffs in Central NY today; both at their Syracuse and Utica locations. Rumor has it that it is supposed to be the start of a nation-wide layoff? Can anyone confirm?

| 2560 views | | 4 replies (last January 18, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+Vy3RwCC

Burlington Massive Layoffs

Formal notices out, and it's not cool... "It'll be just under 200 workers affected, about 195 positions," he says. "This shouldn't be a surprise (to employees), but formal notice went out today."... — read more 

| 2730 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+S6VVUPb

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