Topics regarding layoffs at Qurate Retail, Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Qurate Retail, Inc.

Only a Matter of Time

Well the market has spoken loud and clear: There is no confidence that Qurate is going to recover. After avoiding delisting, the stock has been below a dollar for 3 weeks and there it looks like the delisting clock will begin again shortly. The... — read more 

Coming next earnings call

Upcoming workforce adjustments are anticipated in the Shared services and social media departments. As with previous workforce changes, we can anticipate communication before the next earnings call. People familiar with Project Athena, including most... — read more 

Currently a Penny stock

The company has been trading below $1 for a week. Now that possibility looms that the stock could be delisted. Although the process for that takes time, the prognosis for this company is dismal. Update your resume people

Is a warehouse closing?

After having months of absolutely nothing to do - this includes all of peak season and cyber Monday, out of the blue they are mandating overtime in the Bethlehem distribution center. There is no way you can convince me that orders have picked up that... — read more 

| 694 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1ly2gNfg

Tomorrow is the earnings call

I think that will be the main decider in how many more will be laid off. I think it was obvious that more is to come. I'm worried not just about QVC and HSN, but that this will hit everybody. I hope everybody who was served their walking papers lands... — read more 

| 921 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1lpjdknM

Layoffs incoming across board

Bad results equal bad layoffs. The revenue has dropped in every single segment, which means that we'll be seeing layoffs in every segment as they "implement a turnaround plan." I don't see any other way in which they can bump the numbers up quicker... — read more 

| 1300 views | | 1 reply (February 23, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1i866hbm

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